Are your premises and people secure?

Ausus Advisory, together with our partner SPS-Global, provide specialized security, crisis management and investigative services. We provide client-and-situation-specific solutions that address our clients’ concerns. We bring more than 100 years of collective experience solving highly complex risk-related security and business risk issues. We draw upon a carefully cultivated network of in-country specialists and international consultants that complement our in-house capabilities.
Our specific service groups are:
• Corporate Investigation/Business Intelligence
• Security Risk Management Consulting
• Crisis Management and Planning (addressing kidnap for ransom and criminal/cyber extortion events)
• Project Security Management
• Special Services
• 24/7 Operations Center
It takes more than money... make money. when was the last time you conducted a security review?
You people, property and other assets face continual risk. A sensible security review will help pinpoint areas of deficiency and provide a blueprint for improvements.
- Phyiscal security
- Building security
- Contingency planning
- Disaster recovery